
"The flame is still burning inside me daily, I am passionate and fascinated by Poker! I follow the phrase "Work and Trust", because Poker is a sport of great resilience and passion!"

With a childhood fueled by sports, like Futsal and Basketball, Douglas ‘Dowgh’ Santos discovered poker when he turned 18 in 2008. His passion for the game was so great that he changed focus and dedicated himself to poker. He asked his mother for six months so he could gain some experience playing poker before he made a final decision on the direction of his life.

Shortly after starting, ‘Dowgh’ found a mentor and started building his poker career. Before long, his own mother started playing and also fell in love with the game.

Now, fifteen years later, ‘Dowgh’ Santos says he lives his dream every day, he lives life as a poker player. Four years ago, ‘Dowgh’ began streaming on Twitch, where he shows his routine as a grinder. He tries to show and teach as much as he can to the people that watch him so they can be successful too.

He also shares his wisdom and knowledge through videos he posts on his YouTube channel.

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